5 Things To Consider When Buying A Vape Battery

Looking to mobilize your smoking experience or expand your cannabis consumption but unsure of what battery to buy? You’ve come to the right place. In this article we will cover the most important factors to consider when purchasing a new vape battery to allow for a smooth vaping experience.

What Is A Vape Pen?

For some people, vaping is the ideal way to consume as it offers discretion, is compact, and is fact-acting. If that sounds like you, then you have found your people! Cannabis oil cartridges have become increasingly popular in recent years. The ease-of-use and discretion are unlike most ways to consume the green. Instead of raising eyebrows with a funky smell or a cloud of smoke, a little puff from a vape pen will fly under the radar.

How Do Vapes Work?

Vape pen cartridges and vape pen batteries go hand-in-hand. Once you’ve selected your perfect cartridge, finding a battery that fits and looks great is the next step. Most cartridges on the market are 510-threaded. All Boost! vape batteries are adaptable with 510-threaded cartridges, making them practically universal. Typically vape batteries are rechargeable and have various voltage settings that heat up the oil and create vapor. By breathing in, the user can consume the vapor and feel the effects with ease.

Finding The Perfect Vape Battery

While some dispensaries offer disposable one-time cartridge/battery combinations, purchasing your own personal vape battery will give you the flexibility of trying different strains and keep you lifted longer. When shopping for your perfect vape battery, it’s important to keep in mind the following factors:

  • Adaptability

  • Battery life

  • Voltage Settings

  • Size

  • Style


As we mentioned before, 510-threaded cartridges are the most universal style on the market today and finding a battery that fits will be a breeze. Ensure that your battery is 510-threaded by looking for information on the battery packaging or in the product details online.

All Boost! vape batteries can be used with 510-threaded attachments, and our Palm Batteries even have screw-on caps that allow for the cartridges to connect easily with magnets.

Battery Life

Being part of the digital age, a single person can have 5+ electronics to keep track of on a daily basis. Making sure they all are charged and ready to go is key to setting themselves up for success. Adding another electronic to the list can seem daunting, but the reward is worth it. Finding a battery with long-lasting life can be a game of trial and error.

All Boost! vape batteries hold their charge and keep the good times rolling by backing you up with some power.

Voltage Settings

Cartridges are not created equally, and some taste or burn better at different heat settings. By using a vape pen that has multiple voltage settings, you are opening yourself to the possibilities of cranking it up a notch until you reach your desired result. All Boost! vape batteries are equipped with three heat settings, making it easy to adjust your experience with the click of a button.


The fun thing with battery shopping is that you get to choose what shape or size you’d like your vape battery to be. The most common shape is a pen-like battery that is long and narrow. Other batteries are designed to fit discreetly in the palm of your hand, such as our Palm Battery collection.


When we said that batteries don’t need to be boring, we meant it. Add some sparkle to your vape life with a metallic finish in the Round, Hex, or Palm Boost! vape battery styles. Your carts deserve to be put on a pedestal, elevate them with a new look that best fits your vibe.


After Considering These 5 Factors…

Picking out the perfect vape battery will be a breeze! The only question you may face is “How can I choose just one?” but you can take advantage of our discount codes and snag a few today:

BOOST2 to get $5 Off 2 Batteries

BOOST3 to get $10 Off 3 Batteries

BOOST4 to get $15 Off 4 Batteries

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